Investment Circle

Start Date & Time : 2019-11-16 15:00:00
Venue : Radisson Hotel, Lazimpat, Kathmandu



No one would deny the fact that in today’s times financial wellbeing is as important as mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. So, understanding to secure and manage financial wellbeing has become one of the most critical parts of everyone’s life. While we continually look to find a safe place to invest that provides higher returns with lesser risk, we often, however, end it with an idea to deposit at savings account to save and secure the money. Even if we do invest, we put it in assets that simply do not guarantee a higher rate of return in the future as it has in the past. While some investment options look secure, less risky saves the principal, and even fulfills the current goals; we can’t overlook the fact that with such investments the money eventually will never grow enough to make us truly, wealthy, contributing to our financial wellbeing.

Investment isn’t difficult to understand and nor does someone need an Einstein-istic mind to earn returns. Every successful investor in the world has started to invest in the basics. Access to correct timely investment information, having the right co-investors and proper management of the investment are the investment basics that should be understood to get the desired return on the investments made. But at times, even getting the basics right can be a daunting challenge.



Investment Circle is an initiation coined by Clock b Business Innovations primarily centered around the idea of establishing an investment community that shares, earns and prospers together. It is a circle of smart investment-minded individuals who would want to make sure that their money works for them with a setup where their money is invested in wealth-generating activities, collaboratively, that in-turn will give them a decent amount of return, regularly.

Investment Circle is a well-facilitated network of investors who have the primary interest to maximize wealth and contribute to the overall nations’ prosperity dreams. The circle not only unites people with interest in the subject of business, entrepreneurship, and investment, but it also acts as an innovation hub where huge impact making, investment healthy projects can be brainstormed and ideated. For its members, it will act as a platform where they can cultivate business partnerships/relations, make most out of it to grow their career or venture, find mentors, learn from peers, promote their products/business and connect with investors from all over Nepal and beyond.



Investment Circle at its core is an investor community instilled with a culture to make productive investments which as return contributes to new wealth creation, fueling to the financial wellbeing of investors and economic development of the nation.

To live and contribute to this mantra, the Investment Circle makes 3 promises to the investment community:

  1. Investment Information: Scout and share first-hand investment opportunities’ information (real estate, business investments, shares, commodities) to its members
  2. Money Network: Create a rich-money network and facilitate business relationships between all its members
  3. Return on Investment: Grow investors (partners) wealth by generating high-returns on investments



While the Investment Circle initiative is set out to achieve these 3 promises, at the event you can brainstorm investment ideas, learn about analyzing investment portfolios, knowing partnership business models as well as evaluating best practices and policies. This event is also about live investment deal-pitching and joining the money network.

Investment Circle is 3 hours program followed by the cocktail meet-up. The main purpose of the program is to clarify participants questions and enable them to enter into the zone of investments that offers numerous opportunity to start and grow their finances.



At the Investment Circle event, you can learn, share and connect. The event is more about accessing information related to investments; exploring investment options; and joining a circle of investors, professionals, business-persons, and learners. Come join us at the event if you have these questions:

  • What is the Investment Circle?
  • What are the benefits and facilities that I can get by joining the Investment Circle?
  • Why should we join the Investment Circle?
  • What is the investment portfolio?
  • What are the investment options Investment Circle is providing?
  • What are the best investment options for me?
  • Which would be an effective and efficient way to go about investing?
  • How do I know which investment to choose according to my current status?
  • How will my invested money make money?
  • What are the risks associated with your investment options?
  • How should I monitor my investments?
  • What are the procedures to start investing?
  • How will I receive the returns?



This event is designed for all the people who are currently investing and are willing to invest. If you are looking to get first-hand investment information, join the money network or get higher returns on your investments, Investment Circle is an event you simply should not miss.

The expected participants would represent different professional and industrial backgrounds across all regions of Nepal.



Saturday, 16th November 2019, 3:00 PM Onwards, Radisson Hotel, Lazimpat, Kathmandu.



NRs 5000/-



Registration starts from October 26, 2019. Participants can register online. Since there are only 100 seats available, registration would be based on a first come first serve basis.

You could register from our website www.clockb.comfor this event. Alternatively, you could either contact Clock b Business Innovation at 01-4426267/8 or drop in an e-mail at Or you could also contact Ms. Samjhana Thapa/Mr. Bijendra Shah on mobile 9843260542/9851213403.



Time Activity
14:00 to 15:00 Registration
15:00 to 15:10 What is the Investment Circle?
15:10 to 16:10 Startup (Business) Pitch
16:10 to 16:40 Share Market Info
16:40 to 17:00 Real Estate Opportunities Info
17:00 to 18:00 Restless 60: Investor Speed Dating
18:00 Onwards Cocktail Reception



Clock b Business Innovations is an institution that provides Innovation and Enterprise support services. Clock b concentrates to establish enduring relationships with startups, new ventures, investors, entrepreneurs, leading organizations and corporates; and serve them with innovation, management, investment, technology, and networking solutions. Clock b’s support services cater to the interests of organizations/ventures of different capital structure, size, age, geography, segment or industry. Whether you are a startup, investor, enterprise, association, donor institution or not-for-profit institution, we offer unique professional organizational support services that specifically fits your need and solves your problem.

One of the specialized Clock b units is Business Capital which is an investment unit dedicated to leveraging the growth of its limited partner’s capital. We select and work with individuals and firms that are fully invested in contributing to the overall economic growth. Our strategic style of work guarantees the safety and security of our limited partners’ investments.

In every company that we invest in, we bring together our unmatched management experience and networks into the play to assure that our partnership creates a growing opportunity for the investee firm. The amount that we invest on behalf of our limited partners fuels the development of companies and communities. Our key stance is to unlock values that could propel economic growth.

Till date, Clock b has organized 250+ events, training and seminars; 5 annual conclaves; incubated 120+ startups; 10 innovation-driven programs; collaborated with 100+ investors; invested in 10 diversified industry companies; 12 partnerships with colleges; designed innovation course; 5000+ community partners/members; and collaborated with Global Entrepreneurs Network, Embassy of India, European Union, Government of Nepal, Assortis Belgium, Work Together Foundation – South Korea, FNCCI, Franchise India and more globally celebrated organizations.

Contact Information

Clock b Business Innovations

474 Aananda Bhairab Marg

Naxal-1, Kathmandu, Nepal

Tel: +977-01-4426 267/8

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